I Never Said I Was Perfect

This, as you may have read on the Home page, is the cover I made for my novel, I Never Said I Was Perfect (INSIWP). To introduce INSIWP, I will say that it was written for NaNoWriMo 2007, whose home page is here. This was a labor of love that started out as an autobiography, but morphed into something way different from my life, not to mention the first full length novel I have managed to write.

The Back of the Dust Jacket

This is the summary that you would normally find on the back of the book:

Cori Barret is your average 15-year-old pagan feminist, boyfriend-less and with normal teenage problems. She doesn't like her father, has an annoying younger brother, and Fin, the guy she's in love with, doesn't have a clue. But things start to change. All of a sudden she has an annoying boy leaving her love notes and she starts getting mysterious phone calls from people who don't seem to realize that Bob got a new number. When Fin starts going out with another girl and Cori leaves him a letter, could all her problems be solved, or are they just beginning?
